Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Stars Are Aligned...

...or something like that!

Yesterday morning Taylor and I were at the hospital first thing for the pH probe to be inserted. It was thinner than her NG tube, but not very bendable, so with Taylor's cries and held breath, they had a really difficult time advancing it. They got it after a few tries and then went through the little recorder with me so that I knew what buttons to press during mealtimes, spit ups / wet burps, other GI symptoms, and each time we change her from a lying position to an upright position. Lots of button pressing!

We went back to the GI lab this morning after 24 hours and they removed the probe. The recording was downloaded right away but I was told that Dr. Wrobel is away until Monday and then she's in clinic so they weren't sure when she would analyze it. I have to say I was a little disappointed. I was under the impression that we'd have results right away from this.

Well, this afternoon I answered the phone and much to my surprise it was Dr. Wrobel! And she had gone through Taylor's recording! YAY! Her next words were magic to my ears...

"The recording was good, there's not a lot of acid coming up"

So apparently everyone refluxes, but it doesn't always come up enough to feel or cause any symptoms. It's "normal" to have 27 episodes over a 24 hour period. She said that Taylor had several episodes (29) but they are very short lived. It comes up and goes back down very quickly. Taylor had a total of 15 minutes of reflux over the 24 hours. That is 1% of the time. Normal is 4%. Dr. Wrobel is very pleased with the result and is very confident that Taylor does not need a fundoplication. Excellent news!

Next I called Surgery Clinic, as our appointment with the surgeon was waiting on us seeing GI and determining if a fundoplication was needed. MORE magic to my ears...

"Dr. Sigalet has clinic on Tuesday morning, it's very busy but I can squeeze you in for 11:30am"

Wow, it's really coming together. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. How crazy that the light I'm so anxiously awaiting is surgery. Let's hope when we see him on Tuesday that we get a surgery date nice and quick! G-tube we're ready for ya, bring it on! Give me back the little girl who loved to have her face softly stroked.

On top of all that good news, I actually had a reasonably productive day. My ever growing mountain of laundry managed to get sorted and four loads done. To be continued...and hopefully finished...tomorrow. I cleaned three out of four bathrooms. Dusted the upstairs. Cleared away some clutter. Hope I can stay inspired to keep going and get the rest done. It feels good. I love our house. But clean and organized puts it on a whole other level.

Suppertime is an ongoing battle with Marissa but tonight she hoovered it down and was such a pleasure!

Yes, I do think the stars are aligned indeed. It was a great day all around.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you had a great day with great news! You so deserve it.. By the way.. Absolutely beautiful picture of Marissa, Wow do you ever have gorgeous girls! Hoping you guys get a fast surgery date!..

    Love always! Chantel..

    Give Marissa and Taylor a hug from all of us, Paytenn says hi! =)


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