Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Keeps Getting Better

Another great day for Taylor. The Occupational Therapist from CNIB (Lara) was here this morning for a home visit. She did a contrast test on Taylor to see how much contrast Taylor needs to capture her visual attention. She did awesome!!! The test was simply showing her an assortment of faces on big white cards. The first one was a black and white face, which is 100% contrast. They went down from there and the faces looked like a lighter and lighter shade of grey on white down to the very lowest which was nearly white on white. Taylor managed to see all the way down to only 5% contrast!!!! The 10% one was better, but the 5% contrast did capture her attention. Way to go girl :-)
Lara said that we can start working on establishing object permanence so that when Taylor drops an object and it goes out of sight/sound, she will learn that it is still there and that she can find it again. By using objects with noise like bells or rattles or squeaky toys, when she drops it we can make its noise and see if she turns to look for it. If not we can guide her hand and or body towards it. In time she will be able to find the object again after dropping it, rather than just thinking it's gone.


  1. This blog is amazing Tasha! You are such an amazing Mom to share this journey, both Marissa and Taylor are blessed!!


  2. Hello Dengis Family,
    Thank you for sharing.....if you have an appointment at the Children's Hospital, remember we are only 5 minutes away and we'd be happy to entertain Marissa.
    The Gafiuk Family -- way up north in Edgemont


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