Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two Choices

We went to the PUF Resource Fair this morning. All the agencies in Calgary who provide PUF were there to provide us with information that we will need to decide where to put Taylor. Because of the severity of her needs, she really needs one-on-one care.

Of all the agencies that were there today, there's really only two options for Taylor that provide one-on-one aide support. Pace, where we are currently in the Family Support Program, or GRIT.

G.R.I.T. (Getting Ready for Inclusion Today), is mainly a home-based program. 2-3 hours a day, 5 days a week. They provide an aide to work one-on-one with your child in home and/or the community. You can also take advantage of going in to the center where they offer specialized activities such as music therapy and a sensory room. Therapy is once a month on a consult basis. What I like about GRIT is that if your child isn't well enough to attend center-based activities, your aide will still come to the house, and if your child is hospitalized for a length of time, the aide will still go to see them.

Pace is a combination program, 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Two days are in the center and three days are at home, all with your one-on-one aide. Sensory room, music therapy once a week, swimming once a month at Emily Follensbee (where Taylor will go to school), a field trip once a month. There is a 1.5 hour direct therapy session once a month with the therapists where the parents are included. In addition, two weeks out of the month the therapists lead the class, and the other two weeks they are in the classroom circulating from child to child. What I also like with Pace is that you do not have to be there while your aide is with your child. So there's some freedom there to not always have to be home (or at the center) during those times.

Pace is having their own private info session next week, so we'll go to that before making our decision. But I think we are leaning towards staying with Pace.

I'll wrap up this post with a few cute pics of Taylor on the ball this week. She had just finished her bath and was ready to go down for a nap, so she was too pooped to work very hard...

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