Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Decided to go to the Calgary Farmer's Market this afternoon, hadn't been yet since it re-opened after their move. So the girls and I headed down to check it out. We had a bite to eat when we got there, then Marissa played for a while in the play area. While Marissa was playing I hooked up Taylor's feed. She was sitting there in her wheelchair, and grabbed hold of her links a few times. Supergirl was using her hands, yay for Taylor. After Marissa was played out I took her over to the face painter to get done up. She wanted to be Tinkerbell, I wondered how the woman was going to pull that off, but in the end it looked great! Green, flowers, curly lines, and sparkles...or was it pixie dust? Of course it was!

See Taylor's hand holding onto the link?!!!
Sweet and Sparkly

After that we wondered through the market and I enjoyed the nice wide aisles, great for those of us pushing wheelchairs. We picked up a couple things, then decided to leave and head to a park with swings. Taylor's feed wasn't quite finished so I put the feeding back over my arm, undid the seatbelt on her wheelchair and lifted her out of it and into the carseat. Suddenly Taylor was screaming and I was mortified to discover that the tubing must have been caught somewhere on the chair and her g-tube was pulled out. Stomach contents and feed pouring out of the open hole in Taylor's tummy as she screamed her poor heart out. Insert extreme panic as I realize...

I. Don't. Have. The. Emergency. Kit. With. Me.

The one they explicitly told me to never leave home without. I left home without it. Trying to hold it together, but totally freaking out, I hurl the wheelchair into the back of the van and peel out of the parking lot. We're 15 minutes away from home. The way the stomach muscles are layered, the hole can close up very quickly, so I'm terrified, and speeding like a bat-outta-hell down Deerfoot. Marissa in the backseat going "weeeeee, this is fun". As we turn into Auburn Bay I tell her I'm going to need her help as soon as we get in the house. We run in and I wash the g-tube, deflate the balloon, and get a syringe ready with 5ml water to re-inflate it once it's back in. I throw it all in a cup and tell Marissa to take it upstairs and wait there for me while I get Taylor. I run back to the van, unbuckle her, run upstairs and put her on the floor. I wash up her stomach and it already looks like the hole is blocked. Marissa held her legs still and I was able to get the tube back in, but had to push it in with more force than I expected, Taylor screaming bloody murder again. As soon as it was done I immediately burst into tears. Marissa gave me the biggest tightest hug in the world. Then I checked placement to make sure that it indeed went straight down into her stomach and not through some gap into her abdomen. When I drew back on the syringe I got stomach contents...thank goodness. If I didn't we would have had to go to the hospital for a dye test to confirm placement.

Friday the 13th be gone...I don't need your drama!

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