Monday, October 18, 2010

67% to be Exact!

I was showered and ready this morning just as the doctors were coming in for rounds, that was good timing. No big changes though. The plan for today was for OT to come and do a feeding assessment and we'd go from there.

Our dietician came next. She's hesitant to beef up Taylor's formula quite yet as it may make her too full to want to even attempt eating orally. So she's going to send Taylor's 3 meals up and I'll keep offering it to her in the hopes that she'll take it. The formula will stay as is. If she continues refusing for another day, then the kitchen will jack up the formula to have all of Taylor's daily calories in it.

My mom came to visit again and brought me a couple dinners, some snacks and some oatmeal for the morning. Just what I needed! She also brought Supergirl's birthday present from the party that didn't happen. Lovely coat and boots for the winter. Thank you for everything Mom, you take such good care of me.

Between the lovely clothes she got on Saturday and the stylish outerwear today, she is well suited up to GO HOME. If only she'd eat!

Granny & her peanut

The inpatient Occupational Therapist arrived just before noon and we decided to try offering Taylor a bottle as well as some applesauce. Francis arrived from work just in time to be here for it. We managed to get a wee bit of applesauce in, but it was more me pushing it in than her taking it willingly, and she was giving some pretty strong refusal cues. The bottle she was having no part of. So, needless to say, the OT was pretty hard-pressed to give an assessment when Taylor really didn't feed. She said she'd go and review Taylor's file before putting in her feedback and recommendations.

After Taylor was done refusing to eat she promptly passed out and Francis was able to get in some nice cuddle time with his little cutie before heading back to work.

I got some cuddles myself, but after Taylor had woken up.

Through the night, the nurse went to flush Taylor's IV (since it had been locked off), and it was no longer working so she took it out altogether...YAY she's wireless! So that meant she could finally have a much needed bath. Her left hand had been taped to that board and wrapped up since Thursday evening, so it was pretty stinky. Happy to report that Taylor enjoyed her bath and is smelling lovely!

Just as I finished bathing Taylor, my Dad arrived to visit. Taylor always loves when he strokes her face ever so gently. She just lied there in her crib ever so calmly, very sweet. Thanks for the visit, and for the Starbucks!

The pediatrician dropped in later this afternoon. He'd like to give Taylor another day or two to hopefully turn around on her own before getting the Gastrointestinal docs involved, because they'll likely want to do a scope right away, and that would mean putting her under general anaesthetic in an operating room. So I guess we'll go with that, give her another day or so and if she's still not eating, they'll check out her esophagus for signs of inflammation, which would most likely be from bad reflux. They started her on an antacid yesterday, so if reflux is what's causing her grief, she could very well turn around within a day or two.

Taylor's supper tray arrived in the room just before 5pm so I melted the butter and mixed it together with the beef, applesauce, and whipped cream. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?! She was so content lying in her crib that I just kept her there instead of moving and upsetting her. I put a little bit on the spoon and touched it to her lips. She sort of opened her mouth a bit so I slid the food off the spoon into mouth. She used her tongue and swallowed it nicely. I got a bit more on the spoon, she opened her mouth and she took it again! And again! And again! Until she had eaten 67% of her meal, to be precise!!! So proud of you Supergirl!!! Finally after 5 days she took something orally. This is a great breakthrough. Let's hope breakfast tomorrow goes as smoothly. We'll make another bottle attempt in the morning too, so far she's still refusing that.

Following that excitement I actually left the hospital tonight for the first time. Mom and I had signed up for a Photography class a couple months ago, and it started tonight. I had someone come in to sit with Taylor while I was gone so that she wouldn't be alone, and off I went to Mt. Royal. It was a good class, have some practicing to do with the camera on manual mode, which is quite different from Auto, which it has mostly been set on since we got the camera back in February! It was a nice little break, and good to get out of here for a few hours.

As I sat her typing this post, Taylor had a burst of fussiness for about 10 minutes, wiggling around in her crib and crying. She finally took the soother and no sooner did I sit down and she started farting. And I don't mean little toots, but what I would describe as full on old grown man farts. Seriously! I'm still laughing.

Well, I'm off to bed and hoping for more great things from Supergirl tomorrow.

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