Friday, October 22, 2010

A Little Smile Goes A Long Way...

Happy to report that Taylor had a much better night last night. Looks like the enema solved her troubles!

Had our regular morning visit with Mom. She took my dirty laundry home yesterday and brought it back today nice and clean, you are the best! I love this picture of Mom holding Taylor's face in her hands, so sweet.

Daddy came for our regular lunch visit and got some snuggle time in. Also brought a couple backup soothers since she chewed through one last night!

Dad & Marny came for our regular afternoon visit. Thanks Marny for the sweater shaver, a fun new toy to play with at the hospital. The little things that excite me! This picture is so sweet of Taylor's delicate little hand resting on Grandpa's while she slept.

It's funny what you can do with her when she's having a good sleep. You can pick up her arm and let it go to flop right back down. You can check her blood pressure...take her temperature...pretty much anything!

But the most wonderful thing she does is smile. These treasures are so few and far between that when she shares them with us, it's a beautiful thing. While she was in Grandpa's lap this afternoon she kept smiling over and over and over. They were very brief, and too fast to even capture with the camera. Here's a few of the best shots I got.

Martin dropped in with Sophie on his way home from work. Sophie stood on the stool and ever so gently stroked Taylor's head, very sweet. I think her favourite part was pushing Taylor in the wheelchair down the halls and around the main floor, and she actually did a great job! Thanks for the latte Marty, and for stopping by!

Feeding wise, Taylor did well today. She ate both her meals and drank two full bottles! Unfortunately I'm still hearing the gurgles in her throat when she starts drinking, and some choking/coughing. Hope that's not a bad sign. This swallow study can't come fast enough.

Dr. Bello (our neurologist) dropped in tonight. One thing I asked him about was Taylor's zoning out. She has long spells where she's just kinda spaced out, very still, very calm, just lies there. It's wonderful for cuddling, but really it's not productive at all, there's no working with her when she's like that. Lately she's having full days like this, or at least significant chunks of the day. He said that it could be just increased periods of inattention, as with brain dysfunction. It could be new and different seizures. He's sending her for another EEG on Monday just to see if it tells us anything, I hope she's in her zoned out phase for it so that we get a good representation. I pray that it's nothing. We don't need to add anything new into the mix right now.

That's a wrap for today!

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