Saturday, October 30, 2010

Slumber Party

I was feeling so sad last night about Marissa and how all of this is affecting her. When I was chatting with Carol on Facebook she suggested that I ask the charge nurse if Marissa could have a sleepover.

So this morning I tracked down the charge nurse and she said if it was just for one night it would be okay. I called Marissa and asked her if she'd like to have a sleepover at the hospital with Mommy and Taylor. She thought it was a good idea, so her bag was packed and she arrived here just after 3 o'clock!

Daddy, what have you done to my hair?!!

I had big plans...I thought we'd go downstairs and have supper together, go outside on the playground for a bit, and come back to the room to watch a movie and eat popcorn. She's got a cold and combine that with a 4 year old and you get lots of whining! Kim was here visiting me, and Jeff came along with Francis and Marissa. When they all left, Marissa and I went down to the playground for a bit, then she was hungry so we went to find some supper. Slim pickings here on the weekend. She seemed happy to have some hard boiled eggs along with a fruit, cheese and cracker plate. So we sat down and she ate two bites of egg, a grape, a cantalope cube, and a bit of watermelon. That was it and she was whining to go back up to the room because she was tired. So I packed up the food to bring back up. She got into a pair of hospital PJ's and crawled into bed. Her typical bedtime is 7:30pm. This was like 5:30pm! She asked for the movie so I put it on and popped the popcorn and she was asleep about 5 minutes later. Craziness!!!

While she was sleeping I fed Taylor her supper. I kept her in her wheelchair for a bit so that her food would settle, then when I noticed she was pooping I quickly scooped her out and into the crib. Too late, it was up the back of her shirt. I put the rail up and swung around to grab the wipes and a diaper when I noticed tubing on the wheelchair. OH CRAP. I looked over at Taylor and...NO TUBE. It had been caught in the chair and came out when I took  her out. Perfect, I have to insert another tube. I guess it's only fair, it was my fault for not checking before I pulled her out of the chair. Before going through that crappy task I decided to give her a quick bath since she was free of  the tube. Then our night nurse came in to hold Taylor while I put the tube back in...took 3 times tonight before I got it in right, first two ended up in her mouth again. Sorry sweetie.

A request had been put in for us to get a pump to take home for her feeds. Normally at home you do gravity feeds, but because Taylor's formula is so fatty it moves through the tube super slow and a gravity feed would take FOREVER. Tonight the nurse came in and said they had gotten a message that we were to use a syringe to do the feeds. That's not too bad because we'd be kind of tied to the house with a pole and pump and 5 feeds a day. This way we can be out and just bring a syringe and her bottle. But it's tricky wondering how quickly to inject the formula into the tube. It would be so easy to squirt it all in over a few minutes, but that would be way faster than her drinking time, so her stomach may not be able to handle that. So it's a slow process injecting 5mL at at time and trying to pace it. But it's only short term, so we'll just deal with it.

I woke Marissa up around 9pm to put her on the toilet and then she didn't go back to bed, she was hungry and thirsty and wanted to watch Treehouse in her bed. Then she asked to cuddle in my bed, so we climbed in together and cuddled for a quite a while and watched Treehouse. So happy she's here. Now she's going between her bed, walking over to the crib to kiss Taylor, and coming over giving me the biggest hugs ever. This is turning out to be a great night together. Just us girls. I love my girls.


  1. I'm so glad you had this night together - all 3 of you. BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! Love you all so much. Mom xo

  2. so glad you had lots of snuggles with Marissa - both of you needed it :)
    lots of hugs from Vancouver xoxoxo

  3. Taylor, you are a hero to everyone who is reading about your courage and your strength. We are cheering you and your amazing family on.


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