Saturday, March 5, 2011

Enjoying the Small Things...

I've been obsessed over the past several weeks with a blog I came across while searching special needs bloggers.

Enjoying the Small Things by Kelle Hampton, you should seriously check it out.

Kelle is an amazing mother, woman, photographer, writer. And she too has a special little one. Her second daughter, Nella, was born just over a year ago with Down Syndrome. I have spent the last many weeks reading every single post on her blog from the day she created it in 2007 right up until today. Sounds crazy doesn't it? It's hard to explain, but something about the way she writes, the beautiful photography of her girls, and her full blown passion for life. As she says, she just wants to suck the marrow out of every second of life. And she does. And I have spent all this time reading because she drew me in after just a few posts. She writes simply about her life and all the small things they enjoy. I think the way she appreciates and is grateful for all the small stuff is what makes her love of life so intoxicating.

She has inspired me. To capture on camera more moments and memories than I already do. And to spend more time enjoying the small things. So, inspired by her regular posts of enjoying the small things, here's some of the small things that I'm enjoying...

Our bonus room has, over the past few years since we moved into our house, evolved into a playroom for the girls, more so for Marissa. Then we have the living room on the main floor where we have all Taylor's stuff in the ottoman, and a big blanket on the floor for her to roll on. Then there's my laptop which sits awkwardly on a bit of counter in the kitchen, and my desk way down in the basement, where I never go 'cause it's too cold. So I was on a mission a couple weeks ago to re-organize the playroom and make it work for us all. Francis and I moved my desk from the basement up to the playroom. No small feat, but we did it. So I have a little space in there now to put my laptop and be in there with the girls. The ottoman with all Taylor's stuff got moved up there too. And everything is nicely arranged around the perimeter of the room so that the whole middle is a nice soft place for Taylor to happily roll around and not bonk her head on the hardwood. It's so nice to hang out up there together, it's so bright with all the windows and early sun. I think Taylor likes her new space, and Marissa doesn't feel like we invaded her playroom. It works, we're all happy.

An impromptu photo shoot of Marissa's precious babies to include in her fifth year scrapbook. That is once I get caught up with her second, third and fourth year books first! She loves her babies, 'mothers' them every single day. So fun to watch. Especially when she gives them hell for something and puts them in a time out.

Francis is so not the vain type, but I'm enjoying the fact that every once in a while he's urked by the nasty grays that have invaded his head and makes a trip to the drug store to remedy his discontent. He emerged from the bathroom today announcing that he feels 20 years younger.

A cup of tea in my favourite mug.

More dollar store fun...Easter is just around the corner. Having kids is the perfect excuse to go nuts, right?!?!

Remembering Marissa's first dance recital last summer. The hair and makeup required for said recital made her look so much older than her 4 years. And the adorable pink tutu'd costume, delectable. She still wears it now, it's part of her dress-up clothes collection, somewhere between Snow White and Cinderella. It was left lying on the floor in the living room after the last wearing so I had a little photoshoot with it.

I love Marissa's excited face when we let her have a sip of our latte in the morning. Of course, it's always more than just a sip, more like 5 or 6 giant gulps that leave behind a white foam mustache that she'll run into the bathroom to see in the mirror.

Saturday morning pancakes. This is usually Daddy & Marissa time, they have a ritual together early on Saturday mornings while I sleep in. But this morning I got up and crashed their party. My favourite part...laughing over how she had some pancakes with her syrup. I like to dip mine into a little dish of syrup instead of pouring it on and having it soak in. So she likes to have her own dish of syrup too. Only she doesn't have a wee dip into the sugary sweetness, no, she fully submerges each bite and then brings the dripping morsel of pancake to her mouth. Pure entertainment. No wonder we have to buy the big 4 litre jug of syrup at Costco!

A lovely lunch out with a couple friends, whose 'normal' is similar to ours. G-tube surgeries and all. Thanks for the tips!

Topping the list right now of what I'm enjoying...seeing this beautiful face again. Without a tube taped to it! Monday morning, Supergirl has a date with the surgeon and her new feeding tube will be hidden under her clothes going straight into her stomach.

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