Saturday, July 23, 2011


This post will be short but so very sweet. The past two weeks since we returned from our Beaver Lake fishing trip, Taylor has been a changed girl. She started smiling. Real, responsive, beautiful smiles. Not just once-in-a-while smiles. But many-times-a-day smiles. We can actually make her smile. It's incredible. Honestly, these past two weeks have put me over the moon, over the rainbow, up in the clouds. Somewhere beautiful anyways. And I don't ever want to come back! We were at the annual McCulloch family picnic in Innisfail today, at my cousin Kim's, and my girl was showing off her happy face to everyone. Grandma Marny was trying to get a nice close-up shot of Taylor's face and Auntie Jaime was next to her trying to get her attention. And this my friends, this is what was captured. The money shot indeed...

Jaime was holding in her hand this wonderful little egg with a chick in it that peeps when you press it down. They're called Hide 'N' Squeak Eggs by Tomy. My cousin Kim had a set of them and we discovered that Taylor was fascinated with them. Thanks so much Kim for sending them home with us, Taylor will get loads of enjoyment from them!

Smiles to you!


  1. One word to describe this blog-
    beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

    Taylor thanks for putting a smile on my face.

    HUGS to you supergirl!

    Chantel <3

  2. Taylor - your smiles are SUPERDELICIOUS!!!!! Love you peanut. xoxoxo♥♥♥


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