Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Snip Snip

Outing of choice today was Beaners. Time to get the girls' hair cut! I'm always a wee bit sad to get Taylor's hair cut, but afterwards I'm always happy. She really suits the short pixie cut. It makes her gorgeous eyes pop and draws attention to her angelic face. It was getting quite long again, and for the time being, length doesn't work too well on Taylor. She loves her floor time and she arches her head alot which creates rotating bald spots, depending where her head gets rubbed. The length really draws attention to these hairless patches, and the hair at the back and top of her head gets terribly matted from all the arching back, twisting, and rubbing of her head on whatever surface she's up against. So for now, the pixie cut is the way to go! And Supergirl rocks the look in my books. The stylist today hadn't done Taylor's hair before. She did a great job, but she had cut a straight line across the front before I realized. Ooops. But she still looks gorgeous.

Next up was Marissa. She's been on my case for quite some time to get her hair cut. I am for certain the mom that loves her girl's long softly curled locks, and enjoy doing her hair different ways. However, the battles over brushing out the morning bed head birds nest put a bit of a damper on the whole daily hairdo task. And really, it's her hair, not mine. If she doesn't want it long, why should I push her to keep it. Besides she'd likely take things into her own hands and cut it herself! So I backed down and finally agreed to let her get it cut. She's been looking forward to it for days, ever since I made the appointment. I thought she should also get some bangs cut too, to help keep the hair off her face and out of her eyes. The end result was super cute. They even painted in some pink highlites! The 'Mom Approved' kind that will wash out tomorrow when she has her bath. So for the next day she can enjoy her new look with a pink flair! When Marissa looked in the mirror at the end result she squealed excitedly, "I look like Emilea!!!", her best friend from preschool. So sweet.

1 comment:

  1. aahhh beautiful new do's for two beautiful girlies - Merna


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