Thursday, July 14, 2011

Music to my ears

We got back from our family fishing trip to Beaver Lake on Saturday night. With a full van though, we had to wait until Sunday morning to pick up our sweet Taylor from the Rotary/Flames House. I couldn't wait to hold her and drink her in. A week apart is a long time, a nice break from all that she requires care-wise, but she was very much missed by all of us. I was so reassured by the updates that the nurses sent me saying how well Taylor was doing and that things were medically uneventful. Really helped ease my mind knowing that she was okay and in good hands. The staff are all so wonderful there and Taylor was kept very busy and active. She went in her standing frame for an hour every day, was able to use the multi-sensory room every day, was taken for walks outside in her wheelchair. One of our respite caregivers, Donna, went over to pick her up on Wednesday and take her over to the hospital for her IVIG treatment. While they were there, one of the Home Nutrition nurses treated more granulation tissue on Taylor. On Thursday they took her back over to the hospital for the ACH Stampede Parade where she got her own cowboy hat! She even made strawberry ice cream with the Child Life Therapist. Taylor was also spoiled with lots of visitors. Grandpa & Grandma, cousins Megan and Jill, her developmental aide Sharlene, and Shar's daughter Amanda. What a lucky little girl to have so many people come to spend time with her. Thanks so much you guys. Rotary gave us a CD with photos they took of Taylor over the week...

We were thrilled to pick her up on Sunday and bring our baby home, the four of us back under the same roof. So happy. Once we got a bit settled, Francis and Marissa left to go pick up Koko from the kennel. And then a beautiful thing happened...

I was changing Taylor's diaper on the change table in her bedroom. I blew a raspberry on her belly and she smiled. Smiles from Taylor have been few and very, very far between. It's one of the things we want so very much. Desperately seeking smiles. I blew another raspberry and she smiled again, and then ... ... Taylor let out a wee laugh. Yes, I said L.A.U.G.H. I was beside myself. And nobody was home to hear it but me. It was our special moment. Never to be forgotten. I am going to keep this memory locked up in a special compartment of my heart forever. After two years and nine months, I heard a wee laugh from my beautiful girl. My Supergirl.

I brought Taylor into the playroom. We were lying on the floor together and the garage door opened. Taylor smiled. I can hardly believe my eyes at this point. I ran downstairs, opened the door to the garage and yelled at Francis to grab his iPod and come upstairs RIGHT NOW! He and Marissa came up right away, Koko in tow. Francis started the video on his iPod and I gave Taylor a raspberry. She smiled. I gave her another one and then we captured it. Taylor's laugh. The laugh that has us completely over the moon. The video is sideways, you'll have to tilt your head, but it's soooooooooooooo worth it!

Taylor has been smiling ever since. I don't know what happened in the week that we were gone. But something has shifted, and Taylor is smiling. Responsive smiles. I squeal with delight every single time she does it, the novelty is not going to wear off. It's the most beautiful thing. It's what I've been longing for. Whether the smiles are here to stay, or just visiting, I'm going to soak every one in as though it's the last. I will not take a single one for granted. The little laughs are not as frequent, but they do happen every so often, and they are delicious. Yes, delicious. YUM.

What an amazing week it's been!


  1. Wow, Taylor you amaze me.. Sitting here in awe with tears in my eyes. That video is absolutley beautiful. You guys are amazing, your supergirl is amazing and I love hearing such beautiful stuff like this. So blessed to have a family like you in my life! Thank you for making me smile.

    Love always, Chantel.
    Give the girls a hug for me! xoxo.

  2. Yes, DELICIOUS indeed!!! Can't get enough of those smiles Taylor - keep the coming my little peanut. Cry every time I watch the video - absolute tears of JOY. Love u so much peanut, xoxoxo ♥♥♥ Granny

  3. that wee smile (actually it wasn't wee, it was a pretty BIG smile) made me cry too!! Merna


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