Saturday, July 16, 2011


The Calgary Stampede is in full force right now and I wanted to get the girls in the spirit of it all...

Taylor posing in her Pony walker
Marissa was hamming it up for this photoshoot!

Francis and I went down to the Stampede grounds for date night last night. We took in some traditional stampede donuts, greasy pizza, chili cheese fries, and chips-on-a-stick! I'll admit I got that last one purely because I thought it looked photo worthy. They literally take a whole potato, slice it accordion style, spread it apart on a stick and drop it in the fryer. Was it the best $5 potato I ever had? Not really, but it looked cool!

The newest Stampede fare was - get this - a donut burger. A burger made in a maple glazed donut instead of a bun. Not appealing as far as I'm concerned! Francis however was intrigued, but in the end didn't partake.

We went to the Enmax Ice Show at the Stampede Corral. A definite crowd pleaser. Admission is free once you're on the grounds. It's a 40 minute high energy show featuring Canada's elite skating stars and cirque style acrobats, accompanied by fantastic live rock 'n roll performances. Highly recommend it! Of course my favourite part was seeing Jamie Sale and David Pelletier skate. We were so close to the action. Most of my pics were too blurry because they were moving so fast, but I got a couple decent shots.

Olympic Gold Medalists & World Champions Jamie Sale & David Pelletier

Of course we wondered through the booths at the Roundup Center, and managed to find ways to spend money...

The Zoku Quick Pop Maker is going to be a hit with Marissa for sure. You keep the little pop maker in the freezer and take it out any time, add your ingredients, and 7 minutes later you have a popsicle! You can use your own more healthy juices and yogurts and make neat designs by layering and using slices of fruit. All kinds of fun. On tomorrow's agenda...creamsicles!


  1. this is fantastic, and the girls look awesome in their stampede gear - Merna

  2. I LOVE my little cowgirls! xoxo ♥♥

  3. The girls look so cute in there cowgirl outfits! Love the pictures, they are both posing like little models! too cute! Sounds like you and Francis had a great date night! You both deserve it! =) I seen that doughnut burger, didnt try it but defintley would be interested to know what it taste like, My friend tried it and loved it! Wow that popsicle maker is so neat! Let me know how you like it! That would be great for when Paytenn gets a little older and likes popsicles! =)Oh and love the girls new hair cuts, Marissas is such a big change and it is SO cute! love the bangs on her! Thanks again for the smiles

    Love always

    Chantel, Brook & P.


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