Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snow Pie

Marissa and Shar buried Taylor in the toy bin the other day, and a photo op it sure was. Too cute seeing Taylor's head peeking out of all the stuffies in the bin. Then Marissa had to have a turn too of course!

Shar's been working on some kneeling with Taylor over the ottoman where we keep all her toys. She balanced Taylor over the edge just right and was able to let go for a few seconds!

Look at that little bum :-)

Marissa was pure entertainment on Friday afternoon while Taylor napped. She was all decked out in her dress up clothes and decided that she was going outside for some fresh air. I opted against the -11 temp and stayed in. Marissa geared up and went out in the backyard. Pretty soon she was asking for a container so that she could make snow pie. I granted her wish and gave her a couple plastic dishes. She returned with her snow and came inside. She then needed a really big bowl so I put one on the island, she dumped her snow into it and start mixing up her snow pie. Then she changed gears and decided to make snow soup. Add water. And more snow. Pepper, bay leaves, rosemary, and some gravy browner. She was so cute, leaning over it to take a smell just like a chef, sneaking a taste here and there. She felt like such a grown up and had a big smile on her face. I watched her concoct her special soup and just clicked away, took a ridiculous number of pictures! But it was fun, and she was having a ball. It turned a little serious when she set the table and was quite intent on us eating this for supper! Managed to sidetrack her and dodge the dirt laden snow soup, and dined on pizza instead. Thanks for the laughs monkey!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful pictures.. Two amazing little girls!


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